This attractive, color, Japanese post card of a fisherman on a lake was sent as a New Year's card from Victoria Post Office on December 29, 1906! Uncommonly, the addressee, a Mr. & Mrs. Ralphs lived within Hong Kong, at Craig Min West, Magazine Gap! This is the only example of such mail sent within Hong Kong that I have in my collection!

To continue, the green, 2-Cent, Hong Kong definitive is in great shape! The S.O.N. CDS from the Victoria P.O. is quite good, but not complete. There is an interesting, pink, pen cancel on the stamp, too!

Lastly, as for the post card, itself, it is in pretty decent condition. It does have some noticeable stains on the front. There is some wear and tear on the card in the form of minor creases and nicks(mostly around the edges), and very slight rounding of the corners. There is a scuff on the front, too. The picture on the front remains very attractive for something approaching 117 years of age, though! All things considered, this post card is a neat, unique piece of Hong Kong(and Japanese) postal history!