2 Extremely Rare 8"x10" 1960's Boston Red Sox Topless Ebony Black Bat Girl Photographic Prints

These are color 8"x10" photographs professionally printed on 
quality photo paper from the original 2"x2" color transparency.

There are no borders around the image. The photo has a vertical portrait orientation.

The print has a glossy finish and is ready for framing. 

It is NOT a computer generated photo printed on your average home or office printer.  

The watermarks do not actually appear on the photograph.
They are shown here to comply with Ebay's rules and regulations.

Print will be shipped flat.

Buyer must be of legal age to possess adult materials of this type in the state or region they live in.

Please contact me with any questions prior to purchasing this item. 

Please note my exceptional feedback and seller ratings.

Check out my other listings and THANKS FOR LQQKING!