Certainly, here's a revised advertisement that combines both the planting instructions and winter care guidance:


**For Sale: Red Canna Lily Bulbs**

You are purchasing Canna lily bulbs. Please note that you will not receive the flowers themselves. You should plant these bulbs according to the instructions provided to enjoy beautiful blooms in the spring. Each bulb's eye will produce a flower stalk.

**Bulb Details:**

- Type: Red Canna Lily

- Size: Similar to those shown in the pictures, but not identical.

- Price: Based on the number of eyes and size.

  - Small Eye: $4 each

  - Large Eye: $6 each

  - Example: Small bulb with six eyes = $24, Large bulb with six eyes = $36

**Planting Instructions:**

1. **Choose a Location:** Select a sunny spot with 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day.

2. **Planting Time:** Plant Canna lily bulbs in spring after the risk of frost has passed.

3. **Prepare the Soil:** Use well-draining soil enriched with organic matter. If the soil is compacted, add sand and compost.

4. **Planting Depth:** Plant bulbs 4-6 inches deep with a minimum spacing of 12 inches between bulbs. Ensure the eyes face downward.

5. **Watering:** Water thoroughly after planting to moisten the soil. Keep the soil consistently moist during the growing season but avoid waterlogged conditions.

6. **Seasonal Care:** Provide regular watering and consider applying moderate organic fertilizer during the growing season.

**Winter Care:**

- **Cold Protection:** Shield bulbs from frost with mulch or covers.

- **Storage:** Store in a cool, dry place during winter dormancy.

- **Moderate Watering:** Keep soil moist but avoid overwatering.

- **Inspection and Cleaning:** Check for rot or disease during winter.

- **Replanting:** Return bulbs to the garden in spring.

Take a look at our other listings; we offer a variety of Canna lily bulbs in different sizes and quantities.
