This is the complete 100-card base set of Garbage Pail Kids Chrome 6 manufactured by Topps in 2023. The set includes 1” color to set matching binder and prints, new sleeves and cards with characters such as Over Flo and Monte Zuma, and features artwork by James Warhola, John Pound, Brent Engstrom, Jay Lynch, Tom Bunk, and David Gross. The cards are made of card stock material and are standard size.

This non-sport trading card set also includes a puzzle and checklist, and comes with a wrapper and binder. The cards are in English language and are an original and licensed reprint. The Garbage Pail Kids cartoon and movie inspired this parody, horror, satire, and comedy genre set. The card number range from 207a to 256b, and the set was manufactured in the United States.