LP Koon of Wat Ban Rai is a revered Thai Buddhist monk known for his powerful amulets that carry profound spiritual significance. Among his extensive collection of sacred artifacts, one of the most notable is the Dan Kun Tod Co-Op commemorative amulet, which stands as a beacon of financial attraction for its devout wearers.

The Dan Kun Tod Co-Op amulet from LP Koon is a testament to the venerable monk's spiritual prowess and commitment to helping others achieve financial prosperity. Crafted with meticulous care and attention to detail, this amulet serves as a potent symbol of merit and abundance.

At its heart, the amulet proudly showcases the emblem of a money bag, symbolizing the wealth and prosperity that it attracts. This emblem serves as a constant reminder of the financial blessings that LP Koon's amulet can bestow upon those who carry it with devotion and faith.

This vintage amulet from Wat Ban Rai (Ban Rai Temple) is a must-have for collectors of Southeast Asian antiques. The primary material used is copper, giving it a distinctive brown color. The amulet is post-1940 and is an original vintage item. The amulet features an LP Koon image along with a money bag emblem, making it especially lucky for attracting wealth. The maker of this unique amulet is Wat Ban Rai, ensuring its authenticity. This rare item is perfect for those seeking a well-crafted and unique addition to their collection.