Meet The Mask. The Mask has proven to be unlike any haunted object in my collection. Unlike the dolls that usually fill my collection, this mask exudes a distinct spiritual presence that I could sense immediately.

The mask found its way into my possession late last August when a friend of mine stumbled upon it in an abandoned property in southwest Houston. Even though my friend is not typically attuned to the supernatural, he couldn't ignore the overwhelming energy emanating from the mask. In fact, the energy was so potent that during his attempt to retrieve it, he described feeling a "phantom bite," which shocked him, causing the mask to fall and break into two pieces.

Unable to bring himself to dispose of it, my friend reached out to me, knowing my fascination with such objects. Little did I know, my encounter with the mask would prove to be one of my biggest spiritual challenges.

Throughout my lifetime, I've encountered various spirits, but The Mask has proven to be one of the most enigmatic and troublesome entities to date. Attempting to communicate with it through a spirit board has yielded no results, and I suspect a language barrier may be to blame.

The mask's presence has had a profound impact on my home, with unexplainable shadows appearing, rhythmic knocks echoing through different parts of the house, and recurring dreams that immerse me in a desolate desert at night, with a menacing, dancing figure closely trailing behind.

I've employed tried-and-true methods, like burning sage and offering fervent prayers, but they haven't pacified these occurrences as they have in the past. The mask's influence has extended beyond my personal life, affecting my ability to focus on my work, even hindering me from listing my cherished dolls on eBay for nearly two months.

Though I relish a spiritual challenge, I believe it's time for The Mask to find a new home. I'm reluctantly parting ways with this dark and beautiful piece, but I emphasize that I'm seeking a serious buyer who not only believes in the spiritual but also RESPECTS the power and history of this active object.


If you end up buying you will receive the object seen in the pictures. Refunds will not be accepted and objects cannot be sent back to me for whatever reason. I will send them back to the original address given upon purchase.

I will not be held responsible or accountable for any experiences you may or not have with this object. Whether or not you believe in the paranormal and or metaphysical, all I ask is that you show any item you received for me with the upmost RESPECT! It is better to be safe than sorry. I will try my very best to make sure the object gets to you the same way you just shown in the pictures.

By taking The Mask in, you are potentially inviting a spirit into your home. These objects are not children’s toys. If it was up to me, only adults 18 and over would purchase my items. For a better chance of an experience Light a white candle to welcome your potential spirit and use a spirit board to communicate with said object . I DO NOT GUARANTEE YOU THIS EXPERIENCE.

Per EBay policies, my items are listed for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY !! I am not responsible for any experience you may or may not have.

I will end on this note. You are purchasing a tangible item and NOT an experience.