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Four and Twenty Blackbirds by Cherie Priest 9780765313089 (Paperback, 2000)


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Product details

Language of text:
9780765313089, 978-0765313089
Cherie Priest
St. Martins Press-3PL
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
139.7mm (w) x 215.9mm (h) x 16.256mm (d)


Although she was orphaned at birth, Eden Moore is never alone. Three dead women watch from the shadows, bound to protect her from harm. But in the woods a gunman waits, convinced that Eden is destined to follow her wicked great-grandfather--an African magician with the power to curse the living and raise the dead. Now Eden must decipher the secret of the ghostly trio before a new enemy more dangerous than the fanatical assassin destroys what is left of her family. She will sift through lies in a Georgian ante-bellum mansion and climb through the haunted ruins of a 19th century hospital, desperately seeking the truth that will save her beloved aunt from the curse that threatens her life.

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Detailed product descriptions

Four and Twenty Blackbirds by Cherie Priest 9780765313089 (Paperback, 2000)

UK delivery is usually within 10 to 12 working days.
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Product details
Language of text:English
Isbn-13:9780765313089, 978-0765313089
Author:Cherie Priest
Publisher:St. Martins Press-3PL
Publication date:2000-09-05
Product dimensions:139.7mm (w) x 215.9mm (h) x 16.256mm (d)

Although she was orphaned at birth, Eden Moore is never alone. Three dead women watch from the shadows, bound to protect her from harm. But in the woods a gunman waits, convinced that Eden is destined to follow her wicked great-grandfather--an African magician with the power to curse the living and raise the dead. Now Eden must decipher the secret of the ghostly trio before a new enemy more dangerous than the fanatical assassin destroys what is left of her family. She will sift through lies in a Georgian ante-bellum mansion and climb through the haunted ruins of a 19th century hospital, desperately seeking the truth that will save her beloved aunt from the curse that threatens her life.
About Wordery
Wordery is one of the UK's largest online booksellers. With millions of satisfied customers who enjoy low prices on a huge range of books, we offer a reliable and trusted service and consistently receive excellent feedback.We offer a huge range of over 8 million books; bestsellers, children's books, cheap paperbacks, baby books, special edition hardbacks, and textbooks. All our books are dispatched from the UK. Wordery offers Free Delivery on all UK orders, and competitively priced international delivery.#HappyReading