- 10 STUDY GUIDES (7 Cliffs Notes, 2 Max Notes, 1 Monarch Notes) -

Chinua Achebe's THINGS FALL APART Cliffs Notes include:
-  Achebe's Life and Background
- A Brief History of Nigeria
- Introduction of the Novel
- List of Characters
- Map
- Summaries & Critical Commentaries
- Genealogy 
- Themes/Language/Sequel

Zora Neale Hurston's THEIR EYES WERE WATCHING GOD Cliffs Notes include:
(Cover has crease down the front (as pictured), but fully intact.)
- Life of Author
- Introduction of the Novel
- Brief Synopsis
- List of Characters
- Critical Commentaries
- Maps
- Character Analyses
- Critical Essays
- Essay Topics
- Research Projects

Dante Alighieri's DIVINE COMEDY INFERNO Cliffs Notes include:
(Some underlining of notes throughout, but does not cover Cliffs text.)
- Life and Background
- Dante's World
- The Figure of Virgil
- Structure of the Comedy
- Interpretation
- General Synopsis
- Summaries and Commentaries
- List of Characters
- Review Questions and Essay Topics

Robert Penn Warren's ALL THE KING'S MEN Cliffs Notes include: 
(Some underlining of text throughout, does not cover Cliffs text.)
- Life of the Author
- List of Characters
- Introduction to the Novel
- Summaries and Critical Commentaries of Chapters
- Character Analysis
- Critical Essays and Analysis
- Essay Topics

Charles Dickens' A TALE OF TWO CITIES Max Notes include: 
(7 pages with light highlighting)
-  Life and Work of Charles Dickens
-  Historical Background
-  Master List of Characters
-  Summary of Novel
-  Estimated Reading Time
-  Chapter Summaries/Analysis/Study Questions/Answers
-  Analytical Conversation about Novel

Mark Twain's HUCKLEBERRY FINN Max Notes include:
-  Life and Work of Mark Twain
-  Master List of Characters
-  Summary of Novel
-  Estimated Reading Time
-  Twains Seven Dialects in the "Explanatory"
-  Breakdown of each chapter
-  Analytical paper topics examples 
-  Pictures, etc.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky's CRIME AND PUNISHMENT MONARCH NOTES include:
(10 pages have underlining and a few notes (as pictured), does not cover any Monarch Notes text.)
-  Introduction to author
-  Introduction to Crime and Punishment
-  Detailed Analysis
-  Character Analysis
-  Essay Questions and Answers

F. Scott Fitzgerald's The GREAT GATSBY Cliffs Notes include:

- Life and Background of F. Scott Fitzgerald

- Synopsis

- Character Map

- Critical Commentaries

- Chapter Breakdowns

- Major Character Breakdown

- Critical Essays

- Q&A

Nathaniel Hawthorne's THE SCARLET LETTER Cliffs Notes include:

- Life of the Author

- List of Characters

- Brief Synopses

- Introduction to the Novel

- Summaries and Commentaries of Chapters

- Character Analysis

- Critical Essays

- Essay Topics

Herman Melville's MOBY DICK Cliffs Notes include:

- Life and Times of Herman Melville

- List of Characters

- Synopsis

- Character Summaries and Commentaries

- Critical Analysis

- Character Analyses

- Questions for Examination and Review