Young boy and his bicycle

Professional photo printing
from old negative early 20th century

Support: real satin photo paper 235g/m²

 (other formats exist, ask me)

Very nice image - good quality - very nice decor

The Print is a reproduction of an old negative from my personal collection. It is the result of long work on image processing software. Consequently, the purchased photo is not free of rights and cannot be exploited (sale, reproduction, edition, exhibition etc.) without my agreement.

On each print a discreet signature will be written, without harming the aesthetics or quality of the image. 
Young boy and his bicycle Professional photo printing from old negative early 20th century Support: real satin photo paper 235g/m²  (other formats exist, ask me) Very nice image - good quality - very nice decor The Print is a reproduction of an old negative from my personal collection. It is the result of long work on image processing software. Consequently, the purchased photo is not free of rights and cannot be exploited (sale, reproduction, edition, exhibition etc.) without my agreement. On each print a discreet signature will be written, without harming the aesthetics or quality of the image.