The Judge 2 Litre Hob Top Tea Pot is an exquisite blend of functionality and style for the tea enthusiast who demands nothing but the best. This teapot is not just a vessel; it's an experience crafted to elevate your tea brewing rituals. Constructed from mirror-finished stainless steel, the Judge Hob Top Tea Pot is a shining beacon of quality and durability. Its 2-litre capacity ensures you have ample tea to share with friends or to enjoy moments of tranquility. The 18/10 Judge Stainless Steel guarantees a product that stands the test of time, promising a tea pot that remains as impressive as the first pour. The thermic base of this teapot is a game-changer, making it suitable for all hob types. Whether you have gas, electric, or induction hobs, the Judge Tea Pot is ready to deliver a consistently perfect brew. The versatility is matched only by its ease of use, making it an essential part of your daily tea routine. Brewing your favorite teas and chai has never been more enjoyable. The Judge Tea Pot's dribble-free pouring feature ensures a precise and mess-free experience, allowing you to savor every drop of your carefully crafted beverage. Judge, a name synonymous with trust and innovation, proudly presents a tea pot that exceeds expectations. Elevate your tea-drinking moments with the Judge 2-Litre Hob Top Tea Pot – a true companion for those who appreciate the art of brewing, and a beautiful addition to any kitchen. * Suitable to use on all hobs * Mirror finished stainless steel * Judge Hob Top Teapots * 18/10 Judge Stainless Steel * Thermic base suitable for ALL hob types * Perfect for brewing tea and chai * Dribble -free pouring