From the Producers of The Crazies and The Editors of Kill Bill 5 Star*****

Driving to a wedding in Los Angeles through the Mojave Desert, Paul and Adrienne pull off the highway and into Roy's Motel and Cafe. This roadside artifact proves to be a strange and surreal place with an unsettling mix of travelers, who force our couple to discover the secret hidden between.

From the Producers of The Crazies and The       Editors of Kill Bill


Tired and road weary young lovers Paul and Adrienne are on their way to Los Angeles when
they pull over at a local motel for some rest. However strange and surreal events soon begin
to unfold with an unsettling mix of travellers leading them down a path of tense and emotionally
charged experiences as a horrifying secret from Paul’s past has threatening consequences.

Starring Josh Stewart (The Collector) Jamie-Lynn Sigler (The Sopranos) Chris Browning
(The Book Of Eli) Afemo Omilami (The Blind Side Hounddog) Beneath the Dark is a terrifying
thriller culminating with a surprising twist in which the past comes back to haunt the present.

Actors: Jamie Lyn Sigler, Chris Browning, Josh Stewart, Angela Featherstone

Minutes: 102

PLU: 9317731119
Format - DVD Region 4 
Genre - Thriller/Drama 
Rating - MA15+
Consumer Advice - Sexual Violence and Sex Scenes 
Release Date - 04/08/11