Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidant carotenoids found in the marigold flower. Our PuroNutri marigold flower extracts features both of these carotenoids strength of 20% Lutein & 4% Zeaxanthin HPLC active ingredients content compared to most provisions of 5% and 1%, which can help support overall eye health and cognition.
Zeaxanthin and lutein are both a type of carotenoid known as xanthophylls that produce yellow pigments. They share an identical chemical formula; their only structural difference is where the double bond occurs in one of their end rings. Due to their chemical similarities, zeaxanthin and lutein synergize and may support eye health and protect against age-related ocular decline. Cerebral concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin, along with beta-carotene, are also indicative of better cognition.
Marigold flowers contain several carotenoids that combat free radical damage, most notably zeaxanthin and lutein. Left unchecked, free radicals can damage cells, cause premature cellular aging, and result in the progression of numerous diseases. Zeaxanthin is particularly effective at scavenging peroxyl (hydrogen peroxide) free radicals and boosts levels of reduced glutathione (GSH), one of the most potent antioxidants in the body. Lutein can inhibit the free radical chain reaction that causes lipid peroxidation and cellular damage while also reducing inflammation. Both zeaxanthin and lutein protect against oxidative stress; however, zeaxanthin is the more powerful antioxidant. They also synergize to protect the eyes from free radicals produced by oxygen and light exposure.