The Affiliate Marketing Toolkit includes a set of over 650 best-practice questions and maturity diagnostics for any Affiliate Marketer-related project. 

Affiliate Marketing Self Assessment questionnaire contains all the help you need in gaining an overview of your prospective affiliate company, or help you in finding the best brand ambassadors. 

With recently revised case-based questions categorised into six fundamental areas of the affiliate process, this self-assessment helps identify improvement areas.

By using these questions, you can efficiently diagnose projects, initiatives, organisations, businesses and processes while adhering to accepted standards and best practices.

Answer these questions and show people that it is possible to set up an online affiliate business with less than £100 in your bank account.

It contains over 650 questions that detail a complete step-to-step blueprint for building an online affiliate business.

Helps you pick a niche, build an authority system, create quality content, promote your online presence, become an expert affiliate manager, and pick the right ambassadors.

Analyse, Improve, Control, Sustain, and Build with new and updated questions, organized in a way that will help you identify areas in which your own Affinity Marketing improvements can be made, and how they can aid your affiliate program.

The Self-Assessment Word Master Doc you will develop a clear picture of which Affiliate Marketing areas you can best target, which requirements you should focus on to aid your ROI, and who will be responsible for them.

Are you looking for a brand ambassador? Get your organization an instant insight into areas for improvement, generate reports for maturity assessment, and insights into per affiliate process and participants.

Example Questions:

What conversations are already taking place about your brand, industry and competitors?

What trends are your competitors seeing?

Are your competitors working with / promoting other affiliated brands?

How can affiliate users be sure they are creating the right sensory mix to appeal to local consumers?

What affinity marketing tools can you implement in your affiliate marketing strategy?

Is your people media strategy as strong as your paid media strategy?

How does your affiliated organisation's product get to the consumer, and what is the footprint?

How aware are your affiliate marketers of your affinity marketing strategies?

What SaaS products could solve your affiliate problems?

Plus 19 PowerPoint slides to aid your affiliate marketing goals.

Provides thorough oversight, to aid with your tracking, and reporting of your affiliate campaign, including updates on utilisation and projections.

Aids in the process of setting up affiliate campaign from scratch.