CleanSlate & Zero-in Dosage Guidelines


  • Health product

    Clean Slate’s formula, under patent-pending technology, was developed to safely assist the body’s natural ability to remove environmental toxins and heavy metals.


    • PASSIVE CLEANSING: Safely supports the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the entire body.
    • REDUCES INFLAMMATION : Clean Slate assists in the reduction of negative inflammation by removing the root cause of the issues.
    • INCREASES ABSORPTION: Clean Slate supports the absorption of nutrients by the removal of toxins that may block the nutrient binding site.


    • 1.0 fl. OZ/30ML, $2.33USD/ML


    The information provided is for educational purposes and is not intended as medical advice, or a substitute for the medical advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. You should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice or information about diagnosis and treatment. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body.




CleanSlate is the most powerful chelator and detox product on the market. It is very important you follow these dosage guidelines


Start with 1 DROP (not dropper) under tongue morning and night. 


After 3 days or so go to 2 drops twice


After another 3 days or so go to 3 drops twice and keep increasing


You can build up to 10 drops twice if you like but it may not be necessary. It is important you build up to this


At 10 drops twice the bottle will last about 3.5 to 4 weeks


If you have a chronic condition like cancer then its important you take a minimum of 10 drops twice but build up to it!


Make sure you drink plenty of good clean filtered water too as the toxins are carried out through your urine so plenty of water is needed for that


It is very salty so if its too much you can put the drops in water and drink it 


You can take on full or empty stomach. It doesn’t matter





There are no contraindications with meds BUT if you are on chemo then stop taking CleanSlate 24 hrs before and resume 24-48 hrs after


Take CleanSlate  and Zero-in either 1- 4 hours before or after medications if you want to be completely safe




CleanSlate is safe to use with pregnant women. In fact they need it as at least 30% of mercury and other toxins go from the mother to the baby in the womb. In fact the babies should be healthier!





Start with 1 drop a day. Babies can take too. Then go to 1 drop twice and build up. With babies stick to 1 or 2 drops a day


With kids go to max 3-4 drops twice a day





Same protocol as children. For big animals like horses build up to 10 drops twice





If you have had amalgams removed then start ultra slow. Put 1 drop in a bottle of water and take 1-2 sips a day until you can handle more


Why? The mercury will be in your body and could cause detox reactions. Then if comfortable go to 1 drop a day then build up





You may have detox symptoms which is why you must start slow. If you do have symptoms then make sure you drink plenty of good clean water. I hear lemon water helps too! Take salt baths every day needed. 2 cups of sea salt and 2 cups of baking soda





Start with one pill in the morning on empty stomach with CleanSlate. ( you can eat after 15-20min your breakfast) 


Start at least 2 weeks after being on CleanSlate. Start with 1 pill in morning on empty stomach and you can eat at least 15-20m later and one pill with CleanSlate before bed. After few days or a week you can go to 2 pills  in the morning if you want.





You can start Restore at same time as CleanSlate. Orally Take half a sachet a day or 1 sachjet every 2 days. You can rub in skin too if you like as its supposed to be very good for the skin


For the first week take with food


It is best taken in the evening or at night time to let it do its thing while you are asleep

Small children – 1 tea spoon a day



thank you,

