A beautiful Wooden Jewelry Box. Mosaic patterns and small seashell decoration hand carved on the lid.

This awesome and elegant moroccan hadicrafted box made of thuya wood (two elements from the same tree) is an original gift for Christmas, birthday or any other celbration. It can be used to store jewelry, valuables, and more!

The Thuja or thuya tree is a Coniferous tree indigenous to the Western Atlas mountains of North Africa; It is Known as the tree of life because of its longevity, its burl is a dense wood with a high oil content that Greeks used  as an incense for religious purposes, its fragrance is a natural therapeutic that is used to reduce stress and anxiety. You can smell it in all our products made of thuja.

Description :

-Outer Length: 19.5 cm (7.7 in)
-Outer Width : 13 cm (5.1 in)
-Outer Height : 7 cm (2.8 in)
-Ref     : Thu1041 (5)

Shipping :
Fedex Express Priority
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