Features & details

Powerful Performance:Equipped with the latest Android 12 operating system and a powerful quad-core processor, this tablet delivers smooth performance and fast loading times. Your child can enjoy seamless multitasking and responsive apps.

Parental Controls:With built-in parental controls, you can set screen time limits, manage app access, and ensure a safe online environment for your child. Rest easy knowing they're only accessing appropriate content.

Eye-Catching Display:The tablet boasts a vibrant and crisp 7-inch display, providing a visually immersive experience for your child. The eye protection technology reduces eye strain, allowing for longer and safer usage.

Interactive Learning:The tablet comes pre-loaded with a wide range of educational apps and games that cover various subjects such as math, science, language skills, and more. Your child will have a blast while learning!

Child-Friendly Design:Designed with children in mind, this 7-inch Android 12 tablet features a durable and kid-friendly design that can withstand accidental drops and bumps. It's perfect for little hands