The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts

Author(s): R. O. Faulkner
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Liverpool University Press, United Kingdom
Imprint: Aris & Phillips Ltd
ISBN-13: 9780856687549, 978-0856687549


Faulkner's authoritative English translation of Middle Kingdom coffin texts is essential for all Egyptologists. This new edition reprints his whole work in one volume. Filling the gap between the `Pyramid' texts and the New Kingdom Book of the Dead, these writings were intended to supply the deceased with the speeches he would need to achieve a secure and important position in the next world. As such they supply valuable insights into Egyptian beliefs and mortuary practices. Concise textual notes are kept to a minimum, allowing the character of the texts to be experienced as a whole. Indexes cover divinities, localities, celestial bodies, selected Egyptian words in translation and also the parts of boats and sailing gear that figure prominently in some spells.