Circular Knitting machine Lubricant is typicaly used to reduce friction between the yarn and the deck, which can help improve the overall performance.

Here are some uses and benefits of using a Lubricant:

Reduced Friction:

The primary purpose of using a Lubricant is to reduce friction. By applying lubricant, the yarn can glide smoothly over the deck, reducing friction and minimizing wear and tear.

Extended Lifespan:

Regular use of Lubricant can help extend its lifespan. With reduced friction, there is less stress on the gear, which can prevent premature wear and damage. A properly lubricated machine can also prevent the gear from working harder than necessary. leading to less strain and potential damage.

Improved Performance:

Lubricant can provide a smoother and more comfortable running experience. The reduced friction allows for easier movement, which can help stop dropped stitches It can also help prevent the yarn from sticking, ensuring a consistent flow.

Please note, the knitting machine is not for sale, only the lubricant.