Description: Micro Worms are a fantastic live food source for your beloved aquarium fish and fry. These tiny worms are highly nutritious, packed with essential proteins and fats, providing optimal nourishment for your aquatic companions.  Fish are naturally attracted to Micro worms because of their lively and wriggling nature in the water. The constant movement stimulates your aquatic pets' hunting instincts, triggering excitement, and encouraging them to eagerly chase and devour these live treats, providing them with a natural and enriching feeding experience.

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Nutritional Information:

Physical Characteristics:

Culturing Instructions: Culturing Micro Worms is a straightforward process that remains the same for Banana, Walter, and Micro worms.

Step 1: Prepare the Culture Medium

  1. Add a 0.5-inch (1.5 cm) layer of mashed potato flakes to cover the bottom of a plastic container.
  2. Gradually add small amounts of water while stirring the mixture, aiming for a consistency similar to light and fluffy mashed potatoes. Avoid making it too dry or soupy.

Step 2: Introduce the Starter Culture

  1. Gently spread the starter culture of Micro worms on the surface of the mashed potato mixture.

Step 3: Incubation and Feeding

  1. Find a suitable location for the culture containers, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. A temperature range of 68 - 85 degrees Fahrenheit (20 - 29 degrees Celsius) is best for the worms.

Step 4: Create Ventilation Holes

  1. Use a pin or a small needle to make a few tiny ventilation holes in the lid of the container. Adequate airflow is crucial for the culture.

Step 5: Boost the Culture with Yeast (Optional)

  1. For an added boost to the culture, sprinkle a small amount of yeast on the surface of the mashed potatoes. Yeast provides additional nutrients and can stimulate worm reproduction.

Step 6: Harvesting the Worms

  1. When it's time to harvest the worms, use your finger to gently scrape them from the sides of the container. They will cling to the surface, and your finger will be an effective tool for collecting them.
  2. Transfer the harvested worms to a separate small container filled with dechlorinated water at room temperature. The small container allows easy access for your fish to consume the worms.

Step 7: Feeding Your Fish

  1. Offer the freshly harvested worms to your fish. Observe their excitement as they devour these nutritious live treats, providing essential proteins and fats.

Step 8: Regular Maintenance and Refreshing

  1. Over time, the culture will accumulate worm waste, making the medium runny in consistency. It's time to refresh the culture.
  2. Set up a new culture container by repeating the steps from the beginning.
  3. Take a portion of healthy worms from the old culture and transfer them to the new container filled with fresh mashed potato mixture.
  4. Discard the old culture or use any remaining worms as a supplementary treat.

Step 9: Watch out for Mold or Insects

  1. Regularly inspect the worm culture for any signs of mold growth or the presence of unwanted insects.
  2. If you notice mold or insects, take prompt action to address the issue and maintain cleanliness in the culturing area.

By following these simple culturing instructions and providing your fish with these nutritious live treats, you can ensure their health and happiness in your aquarium. Culturing Micro Worms is a rewarding experience that will keep your fish thriving and flourishing. Happy fishkeeping!