Packed with an Intel i7 6700 processor, a solid 16 GB of RAM, and a dedicated AMD Radeon RX 480 graphics card rocking a hefty 8GB of VRAM, this PC is ready to take your gaming to the next level. Now, here's the real talk about the case. It's a bit on the snug side, especially if you're rocking a massive GPU. But let me tell you, the sacrifice is totally worth it. That AMD Radeon RX 480 is a beast. With 8GB of VRAM, it handles Warzone like a champ, giving you a smooth 60 fps even on medium settings. Sure, the case might have its quirks, but when you're in the game, that GPU shines. So, if you're all about that gaming life and want a rig that can handle Warzone and more, this Dell Optiplex 7040 series is where it's at. Get ready for a gaming experience that doesn't mess around – power, performance, and a bit of real talk.

Dont be afraid to email asking for questions regarding its performance 
It should be noted that while everything seems a bit haphazard a brand new case will fit everything, I just got to lazy and built it in the original optiplex chassis

I only used this for gaming once in a while and want to sell it off since I plan on getting a PS5