1562 Italian Renaissance Courtier Book Baldassare Castiglione Courtesan Venice

“Outward beauty is a true sign of inner goodness. Just as with trees the beauty of the blossom testifies the goodness of the fruit.” ­– Baldassare Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier


A rare printing of Baldassare Castiglione’s ‘Book of the Courtier.’  This work was an important portrayal of a European Renaissance court life and discussed elements of philosophy and customs closely associated with courtier life. Baldassare created a series of fictional conversations that resemble those encountered in a royal court. These conversations discuss humanities, fine arts, drama, classical art, mythology, women, humor, and love. This book was known to have a significant influence on upper class society in the centuries following its release.


Item number: #24053

Price: $950


CASTIGLIONE, Baldassarre


Il cortigiano del conte Baldassar Castiglione. Novamente stampato, et con somma diligentia rivedvto & corretto


In Venetia: [Appresso F. Rampazetto, 1562.]


·        Collation: complete with all pages

o   [24], 366, [2]

o   Signatures: A-Q12 R6

·       References: USTC 819526

·       Language: Italian

·       Binding: Vellum; tight and secure

·       Size: ~5.5in X 3in (14cm x 7.5cm)

·       Very rare and desirable


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