Arrowheads and Stone Artifacts, Third Edition

A Practical Guide for the Amateur Archaeologist
Author(s): C.G. Yeager, George C. Frison
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Graphic Arts Center Publishing Co, United States
Imprint: West Winds Press
ISBN-13: 9780871083333, 978-0871083333


This practical, down-to-earth guide for surface collectors of arrowheads and stone artifacts is designed especially for amateur archaeologists and people interested in learning how to study and collect artifacts safely and responsibly. The author reveals invaluable tips on: where to look for artifacts; how to identify artifacts; where surface collecting is permissible; starting and caring for your own collection. With more than fifty new photographs and illustrations of common and rare artifacts, this book is the perfect addition to libraries of amateur archaeologists thirsty for knowledge about preserving and interpreting the remains of a prehistoric culture.