Important Information for International Buyers:

Customs and Duties: Import duties, taxes, and other fees are not included in the item's price or shipping cost. These charges are the responsibility of the buyer. Before bidding or making a purchase, please contact your country's customs office to inquire about potential additional costs. Customs fees are typically assessed by the shipping company or collected during item pickup, separate from shipping charges. We will not undervalue the product or label it as a gift on customs documents.

Payment & Shipping:

We accept payment only through PayPal. The item will be shipped worldwide. The item will be shipped within 5 to 15 business days after payment is confirmed. Shipping will be handled through FedEx. A tracking number will be provided after the item has been dispatched. Delivery time varies by destination, weather conditions, customs clearance, etc. For more details, please contact the postal services in your respective countries. We only ship to addresses registered on your PayPal and eBay accounts. Please ensure your shipping address is up to date on your PayPal account before placing the order.

Return Policy:

Generally, we accept returns for exchanges or refunds within 14 days from the date the items are delivered. For a full refund, all returned items must be in unused, unopened, and undamaged condition, similar to their initial delivery state. If the item is not in a 'same as new' condition, a full refund may not be provided. In such cases, we will assess the item's condition and determine a percentage of the refund, such as 80%, 50%, or another amount. All packaging, manuals, warranty cards, boxes, and accessories must be returned with the item. When sending back the item, please label it as "Return Item" on the dispatch slip paper. The item must be sent back using EMS (USPS) or any carrier that provides a tracking number. The responsibility for the items remains with the buyer until we receive them. Before shipping the package back, please contact us to discuss the return process.