Module introduction:

The small fan module is powered by a R300C DC motor, which rotates clockwise to drive the fan blades to blow forward. It can be used for developing some interesting projects. Only turn clockwise. Provide Arduino UNO driver example


Working voltage: 3.3V-5V

Signal level: 0V-5V

Maximum speed: 3500 RPM

Operating temperature: - 20 ℃ - 80 ℃

Positioning mode: M3 screw

Module size: 40mm * 30mm (measured manually)

Pin description:

G: Power supply negative, ground

5: Power supply positive, 3.3/5V

S: Signal input, digital/analog


The signal input level range is 0-5V. Digital signal can be input at the signal input pin for driving, or PWM can be input for speed regulation.
