Up In Smoke DVD - Paul Cummins

There are seven routines on this DVD. Four of the coin routines involve the "underhanded" process that allows for extremely clean handling and must be performed standing. Two of the coin routines are performed on the table-top. Finally, there is a bonus card routine, performable where ever you have a little table space and three willing spectators.

There are four sections to the DVD, each with its own submenus for easy access. One section is performance only. Another section explains virtually every coin sleight used within all six coin routines (including the Gallo Pitch, an outstanding substitute for the venerable Han Ping Chien), those sleights NOT limited to the "underhanded" process. The third section describes the how-to of each routine, and finally, the last section has the performance and explanation of the bonus card routine. All of the sleights and routines are explained in great detail.

Effects Included on this DVD:

The Invisible Hand - An absolutely baffling coin vanish and reproduction, performed stand-up and surrounded. May be performed in one's bathing suit!

Citation Silver -Bob Elliott's wonderful stand-up routine in which a copper and a silver coin switch places, multiply, and change inexplicably. Performed and explained with Bob's permission.

Pitchin' Penetration - A lead-them-down-the-garden-path-and-turn-on-the sprinkler effect, this stand-up routine allows the performer to push a half-dollar through flesh and change two half-dollars into a silver dollar very, very cleanly.

Underhanded Coins Across - A classic: the stand-up coins across. Underhanded methodology leaves no fathomable clue for your spectators and the routine introduces a new sequence in which the last two coins travel from hand to hand without the hands coming together at all!

The above routines introduce my handling and performance management of an old sleight-of-hand utility device that has been updated and made extremely practical. Great emphasis has been put on detailed explanation of this 'underhanded' concept.

Top Billing - The original Matrix routine using paper currency for covers, this routine has been a worker for over 25 years when table-hopping at restaurants and corporate events.

KnihC - A - Knihc - This version of the Chink - A - Chink plot features an astounding instant reversal. An extremely easy routine to perform that will stun your audiences.

Another Sequestered Collectors - The Bonus Card Routine for this tape, a collectors effect that is notably direct and uncluttered, it is the only routine of its genre that I use for the laity.

What People are Saying:

Roger Klause:

"To simply say that Paul's prowess with coins is on par with his excellent card work would indeed be an understatement! His diabolical technique and applications bring new meaning to the Art of Coin Magic."

Bill Malone:

"Coming from a guy that loves coin magic, all I can say is that Paul's visible coin magic is my kind of magic. Unbelievable!!"

Bob Kohler:

"Practical...absolutely, eye-popping...100%. When a true pro like Paul releases his life's work on coin magic, either get this video or get out of magic because those who invest their time and money on this extraordinary material will be the new top professionals."

Danny Archer:

"I thought Paul only did card tricks, until I saw him perform with coins. This is strong visual, expertly presented magic that you will use."

Doc Eason:

"Anytime a "worker" like Paul tips his mitt with anything I am always the first in line..."

Robert Bengel:

"Paul's approach to magic is simple; commercial, visual, and with economy of motion! This video is a must have for professionals, amateurs, and hobbyists. Expect nothing but high quality product from Paul..."

Rune Klan:

"Paul Cummins' coin magic quickly caught my attention - and it fooled the hell out of me. Don't you just hate that!"

James Swain:

"Paul's coin magic looks like real magic and there is no better teacher in magic."