New Eczema & Baby Rash,Cream oitment.You get 9 oz Jar ,no Expiration, Last years,newly made,over 35 yr making organic soaps and cresms and oitments  products,,   no Chemicals that cause cancer,,,,,All I can say this is a wonderful Cream,not sticky,smooth as silk,,doesn't Hurt to apply it to painful areas,,,itchy skin,Eczema,,Psoriasis,,,Baby Rash,Gaulded eras,,,,Not to be used in open wounds,,,,Apply 2 to 3 Times Daily,,,,Here is the Ingredients,,Lavender,Frankincense,,cadula,,camomile,,,vitE,,Rose,oil,,,,now on these Ingredients It Helps  ,,Antifungal,properties Inflammation,,,anti-inflammatory,,,,, Properties,,,Frankincense oil reduces the appearance of Eczema patches,,caldula helps to heal along with Camomile,,,Lavender has a Calming effect and Reduces fewer flare ups,,,Zinc oxide,,forms a Barrier to help protect your skin,,,stimulates  cell repair,,,if you would want more information just ask,Everything is sterlized,no water is used in this product...CoCo Butter,,Shea Butter,Coconut  oil,VitE,,,This is a Miracle cream for Fast Results,, Baby Rash,,or Eczema, psoriasis,, This is a Huge would pay 60.00 for this at walgreens, or walmarts Pharmacy...For  Babies ,this jar should last a year ,if you have alot of Babie rashes it should last 6 months,,,,also wonderful for elderly Bed Patients ...God Bless.