These are all the parts you will need to do a conversion from manual to automatic climate control for 2000-2004 Legscy / Outback and 2003-2006 Baja


You will need wiring diagrams for the donor car 2000-2004 Outback H6 and the recipient car.

There are approximately 50 wires that will need to be spliced and there are a few sensors that will need to be added (included in the kit) and wired.

The following is included in the kit:

Climate control module

Blower motor resistor.

Sun load sensor. (You will need to drill a hole in the windshield defrost vent bezel to mount it)

Ambient temperature sensor. (Do not splice into existing sensor in vehicle. You will need to have this sensor dedicated to the climate control unit.)

Thermistor. (You can pry open the HVAC box under the glovebox and use some long pliers to insert the thermistor into the AC core. This thermistor is different from the one on the manual unit so it is required. The other alternative is to remove the dash to insert it. )

Mode door actuator and arm. (There is one tab broken on the mode door actuator but only 3 are needed. I have been running my car this way for 3 years with no issues. The broken tab is near impossible to remove anyway. )

This conversion ain’t for the faint of heart. You must be proficient in wiring and reading service manual wiring diagrams. Service manuals can be downloaded for free at just search google for Subaru every FSM and it will pop up as the first result.

You can find a write up here

(You don’t need to make an Arduino computer or replace the blower motor as stated in the write up. You can use your existing blower motor and insert the thermistor provided into the AC core unit.)

I’m willing to answer questions but I cannot hold your hand or walk you through step by step. This took me about 2 days to do and about 18 hours of that was staring at wiring diagrams. Plus, I’m kind of retarded so I wouldn’t be much help.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it is to put the pieces of the puzzle together without destroying your wiring harness and busting your HVAC housing into a million pieces. If you succeed you will be the envy of all the BE BH BT peasants who drive around all day turning knobs on their dash like their trying to adjust a Hitachi carburetor on a 1979 Brat with the wrong jets and a clogged fuel filter.

Good luck. God speed.