(This product is NOT irradiated)

General Information

Pollen is the male seed of flowers collected by bees.  Each pollen contains a complete genetic blueprint of the tree or flower it was collected from.  Each granule contains 4 – 10 million individual seeds.  The individual seeds are mixed with honey by the bees to make each granule.  Granules are collected from the bees as they enter their hive. The bees are completely unharmed by this process.


·         Contains up to 5000 live Enzymes

·         Antioxidants

·         Is a complete source of Amino Acids

·         Contains Vitamins A, C, D, E, B1, B2, B6 & bioavailable B12

·         Omega 6 fats

·         Is DNA and RNA rich

·         Contains up to 11 trace minerals

Research indicates pollen decreases

·         Allergies

·         Arthritis

·         Menstrual cramping

·         Blood Clotting

·         Oxidation damage & aging

·         Environmentally acquired Isotopes, radiation & toxins

·         High cholesterol

·         Atherosclerosis

Research indicate pollen supports

·         Longevity

·         Digestion

·         Liver detoxification

·         Blood sugar metabolism

·         Immune support

·         Fertility

·         Weight Loss

·         Oxygen Delivery

·         Lymphocyte & Antibodies production

·        Wound Healing


·        Pollen may cause life threatening allergic reactions in sensitive people. Avoid if you suffer from allergies to bee stings or other bee products. Otherwise commence with very small amounts when introducing to your diet. Consult your health care professional before consuming if you are on Aspirin, Warfarin or any other blood clotting medications

Here are a few tips on how to use it: 

1. Use granules as a topping for yogurt or cereal

2. Add ground bee pollen to cooling homemade granola while it is still moist and sticky.

3. Add to coffee as a sweetener to replace sugar

4. Blend ground pollen or granules into a smoothie

5. Incorporate into raw protein bars, raw desserts or candies

6. Incorporate ground pollen into salad dressing such as a honey mustard

7. Take a spoon of honey and roll it in pollen "its a gay time!"

8. Use granules as a garnish on top of dark chocolate

9. Toast whole wheat bread, smear with chocolate hazelnut spread and sprinkle with bee pollen granules.

We recommend daily dosage to start off small 1/2 of a tea spoon a day , then build up gradually to as much as 6 teaspoons a day or your desired amount.

 Bee pollen should be stored in a cool, dark place, like a pantry, refrigerator, or freezer, and kept out of direct sunlight.