Star Wars!  First, you get the fully functional Millennium Falcon - with working cannons and accompanying sound effects!  It opens to reveal a nice playset which allows you to see/hear more actions.  The detail and craftsmanship are on full display here.  If you look closely you can see on the center table two creatures wrestling - just like in the movie!  Next, you have Luke's land cruiser - which looks cool with its 'distressed" paint job.  NEXT, you have the transforming land cruiser which converts its tracks to wings (I guess) and has two powerful jets come online simultaneously.  Of course, you have to have some figures to make it all come to life.  So, I included: Luke, Han, Chewbacca, 3CPO, and Ugnaught - to repair 3CPO's Leg, R2D2, a storm trooper (with missile launcher and missile) and the bloated fearsome, Jabba - the Hutt.

I tried to make this all location specific (in this case a desert planet) in order to make the play more realistic and immersive.  Enjoy!