★★★ Weight Lifting Log Book for Men and Women ★★★

This simple and easy-to-use workout log book will help you to stay focused on your long-term goals. You can visually check how much effort and energy you put to make your dream come true. You will gradually make a good habit to become more confident and make a strong mindset to achieve your goal.

Log Book Includes:
✓ Day and Date
✓ Muscle Group and Weight
✓ Start Time and End Time
✓ Exercise Name, Sets, and Reps
✓ Cardio Exercise Log (Time, Distance, Heart Rate, Calories Burned)
✓ Body Measurements Log (Neck, Right Bicep, Left Bicep, Chest, Waist, Hips, Right Thigh, Left Thigh, Calf)

Log Book Features:
✓ 120 pages
✓ Size 6x9 inch
✓ Mate finish cover

Collect your copy now and make your workout more fun!