Organic Milk Thistle Seed and Organic Burdock Root Multifractional Extract
*Consult an expert you trust before trying anything new*

Some milk thistle seeds were grown in our garden, the remaining seeds and the burdock root were purchased at Earthlight Natural Foods in Stroudsburg, PA. 
First I ground up the seeds. 
I placed them in cold water overnight, strained the mixture, put the liquid in the refrigerator. 
I took the same ground seed and simmered them in for hours in water and vegetable glycerin,
I strained this mixture and combined the liquid with the first extract in the refrigerator. 
I took the same ground seed and packed it into a percolation (dripping cone) filter and ran Everclear grain alcohol 195 proof through the seed.
I took this liquid and mixed it with the first two extracts, this multi-solvent process is what's called "multifractional" :-)
I did the exact same process for the burdock root and combined the extracts 1:1. 
These are two amazing plants that I am honored to work with. Thanks for reading!