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Every book sold is wrapped in bubble wrap then put into a handmade cardboard box which is then wrapped in brown paper - we do not use padded envelopes.






Simon Clark's


published by Darkness Visible in 2023.  

Book 2 in the Blood Crazy Series.

The book is SIGNED by Simon Clark on the title page.

This book was bought new by me for re-sale and is in NEW and UNREAD condition.

SYNOPSIS:  "Three years ago, everyone over the age of nineteen began killing - especially their own children.  And now the nightmare of a world descending into chaos continues.

Beleaguered settlements of young people fight to stay alive in a world of increasingly scarce food and fuel.  Crazed adults still roam a dangerous landscape.  They are pathologically hardwired to eradicate young people...

Jack Ranzic returns from a search for supplies to find that his village has been attacked by the Creosotes.  His friends lie dead on snow-covered fields.  Jack discovers his best friend, Gorron, has survived the carnage yet is suffering from a mystery illness.

Jack is faced with not only surviving but finding somewhere safe to live in a perilous world.  Presently, he encounters someone that Nick Aten knew well, and who will join him on this savage journey.  And another shadowy figure is looking for Jack - an extraordinary survivor from his childhood past.

Jack and his friends will face adventures and danger.  They will be besieged by thousands of murderous adults.  But it gets worse... the adults are transforming... changing into something utterly different...."


We concentrate on the Horror, SF, Fantasy and Crime fiction genres but not exclusively.