Catappa leaves have been known to tropical fish breeders for a long time. Ketapang leaves (Catappa leaves) come from the almond tree and have many good properties and offer a completely natural solution to skin and fin problems in fish. These leaves also have a preventive effect against molding eggs and prevent stress in fish and shrimps.

Catappa leaves have a preventive effect against various fish diseases such as: Hole disease, Eye problems, Parasites, Cuticle disorders, Fin rot, Bacterial infections and Wounds. The leaves are widely used to stimulate fish to lay eggs. By adding the Catappa leaves to the aquarium, organic substances such as tannic acid gradually enter the water. The released substances inhibit the development of fungi and even rid the water of heavy metals.

The leaves provide many benefits to Bettas, Dwarf Cichlids and Harness Catfish. The leaves are also very interesting for use in an aquarium with shrimps, as they are a good food source. The organic material is gladly eaten by the shrimp. The leaves also remain stable for a long time, which means that food is available for the shrimps for a long time. Thanks to the many active ingredients, the breeding results should be many times higher, because the chance of failure due to diseases and poisoning is also smaller.

The Catappa leaves give off tannic acids, causing the water to turn slightly brown. They can also lower the pH. After about 4 weeks, most of the effect is done and they can be replaced.
The leaves can also be used decoratively as ground cover in a Discus or South America biotope aquarium.

What to watch out for with Catappa leaves in the aquarium

This is a 100% natural product. In the beginning there may be discoloration of the water. If more leaves are added, the discoloration is stronger. The pH-lowering effect is then also stronger as a result. They will float for a short time and then sink to the bottom. There is no need to take them out of the water. Over time, only the grain remains

Our tip:
In nature, as soon as you see 1 leaf on the ground, you see more. For the most realistic effect it is therefore best to make clusters of these "fallen leaves". Also use different sheet sizes for the best effect!