Selling a circa 1850 Musee-Atlas Universel by A. Houze.

This Atlas relates ruler reigns and historical timeframes to country map boundaries, major architectural developments, culture & dress of the residents during those periods. There are numerous maps of each country outlining the boundary changes during the period.

The Atlas was published by the University of France but A. Houze circa 1850.

The history and geography was published by the University of France for placement in the libraries of high schools and colleges.

This publication has a large number of high quality maps and prints.


101 hand colored maps (some fold out)

2197 notices (accompanying the maps)

148 steel engravings of architecture and period dress of the local inhabitants.

Marbled front

Countries/Area Maps:

Holy Land (Terre Sainte)


England (Angleterre)

Greece & Italy (Grece et Italie)

Spain & Portugal (Espagne et Portugal)

Germany (Allemagne)

Russia, Poland, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark (Russia, Pologne, Suede, Norwegian, Danemark)

Asia (Asie)

America (North & South). (Amerique)

The maps are divided into ruler periods with architecture and dress of that time.

For example, here are the maps of Germany:

- germanie 275 ap Jesus Christ

- germanie fin Ve siecle

- germanie 511 a 741 merovingiens 91

- germanie 741 à 843 charlemagne

- germanie 843 à 911 carolingiens

- germanie 911 a 1024 maison de saxe

- germanie 1034 à 1137 maison de franconie

- germanie 1137 à 1273 maison de souabe

- germanie 1273 à 1437 maison des habshourg

- germanie 1437 à 1612 maison d'autriche

- germanie 1612 à 1788 allemagne autriche prusse

- germanie 1788 a nos jours empire autriche royaume prusse confederation germanique


The Atlas has been re-bound some time in the late 19th century. The previous owner William Edson (American and Foreign Patents) has his name embossed in a few front pages of the Atlas.

Maps and engravings are in very good condition and glued in.

Preliminary blank pages/Frontice page detached.

Marbling paper on the front and back of the Atlas.

Measures 14” x 14” x 2 1/2”.

Please contact us if you have any questions.