Product Description

Recent changes in national curriculums in England and around the world mean all children in primary schools (from age 4 through to 11) have to learn computer coding/programming and other STEM skills. Programming has rapidly become one of the most wanted skills by employers, especially given technology is constantly developing and is increasingly all important.

Bits and Bytes is an invaluable tool to assist parents and teachers to teach children the fundamentals of computer coding and the kids have fun playing but at the same time they are creating computer concepts, like algorithms and the sequencing of instructions, and developing a logical mind-set. With this innovative card coding game, children learn the fundamentals of computer programming without using a computer or requiring any prior knowledge of computers or coding/programming.

Easy to play – loved by children

Bits and Bytes is an exciting, fun and easy to play game with vibrant characters that appeal to children of all ages. It engages and empowers children, encouraging them to learn computational thinking (STEM skills) through play.

Bits and Bytes is a fun card game that 2 to 4 children (ages 4 to 9) can play. The game is simple to play. Children take it in turns to “play” (show) an Instruction card and they move their Program accordingly around the Grid. Before they can move forward the player reveals the card in front of their Program – if it is blank they can proceed but it if is a Wall, a Bug or the dreaded CPU they can’t move and may have to “debug” their Instructions. Once all of the children's Programs are home the game is over.

Learning while having fun

The beauty of this card game is that your kids are learning while playing a fun, problem-solving card game. Suitable for up to 9 years, especially for ages 4 to 7.

  • Recommended in the Good Toy Guide
  • Featured on BBC News in England
  • Recommended in the Teach Computer Science guide (prepared by Computing at School Scotland in conjunction with the University of Edinburgh, University of Glasgow and the University of Sterling).
  • Recommended by ACARA (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority) to help teachers meet the Digital Technologies part of the Australian Curriculum.

The instructions for Bits and Bytes are available in different languages for download from our website (the languages available include: Spanish, Italian, German and French).

Children learn the fundamentals of computer coding in a fun way - without using a computer or requiring any knowledge of computers. They are having fun without staring at a TV, or playing on tablets, iPads, smartphones and other gadgets.

Children are having fun playing a card game, and at the same time they are learning to create computer concepts, like algorithms and the sequencing of instructions, and they are learning the invaluable skill of problem-solving.

This card game has been made of high-quality materials, designed to withstand wear and tear. You can drop it and it won't break. It's portable. And it's fun. Also, since it requires a minimum of 2 players, your kids will be socialising with their family and friends.

Learning new skills, like the fundamentals of computer coding, has never been easier!

Describe Bits and Bytes in 3 words.

Fun. Creative. Educational.

What was the idea behind Bits and Bytes?

The inventor of the game was teaching children how to code and noticed how the children were struggling to understand the basic concept of coding - being a series of steps and problem solving. There were websites and apps that could teach coding but nothing available that taught the mindset without requiring the use of a computer. Essentially, teaching them vital STEM skills like algorithms and the sequencing of instructions, and developing a logical mind-set, so when they started using Scratch, etc they would already know what to do. Trying to solve these problems led to the creation of Bits and Bytes.