• The Seventh Djinn Spirit is a Great President called Bur. He teaches Philosophy, both Moral and Natural, and Logical Art, as well as the Virtues of all Herbs and Plants. He cures all human diseases and gives good pets. He rules 50 legions of spirits, beneath the crystal of this talisman contains his seal or character of obedience, which will compel him to obey all his summoner's commands with blind obedience. Pendant 

    This enchanting vessel is inhabited by a powerful sacred djinn spirit that awakens your powers of Premonition and allows you to see into the future! Do you want to know what will happen before it happens? Do you want to know when you will meet your soul mate? Do you want to be warned of danger before it's too late? Learn the truths that only time can tell today. Protect yourself and your loved ones from malicious people. Make sure you get promoted in your career or business! Get visions of the future to start preparing for it now! Be one step ahead of everyone!

    The benefits of Djinn Bur consists of:

    Health/Medicine: Here this jinn will grant you a gift of Healing and Self-healing, the summoner will have the ability to heal any type of Spiritual or non-spiritual healing, the jinn will also teach the summoner the Virtues of Herbs and Plant .
    Knowledge of Herbs and Stones: This djinn will grant its summoner knowledge of the use of herbs and stones.
    Knowledge of Logic: With this gift, the summoner will gain the ability to conduct reasoning.
    Philosophy: It will grant its summoner the fundamental nature Ability of knowledge, reality, and existence.
    Wish Grant: He will grant his summoner any wishes he desires.
    Psychic Ability: It will grant its summoner psychic and psychic powers etc.

    The benevolent powers of this Djinn will help you in many areas of your life! :
    see into the future
    Open your third eye
    Banish negative energy
    Attract luck and prosperity
    Communicate with spirits
    Induce lucid dreaming
    Attract positive energy
    Summon Raw Energy
    Align and balance your chakras
    Become closer to God
    Improve all spiritual gifts
    Awaken your natural metaphysical powers