THE BEST anti aging face cream for women.

For those who want to preserve the beauty and freshness of the face for a long time.

Designed to care for dry and dehydrated skin.

Nourishing cream with olive oil and oric acid for dry skin, activates protein synthesis, slows down the aging process, recommended by leading cosmetologists.

The unique active ingredient of Gerontol cream is orotic acid.

Orotic acid improves metabolic processes in the skin, normalizes the synthesis of protein and nucleic acids, impaired during skin withering, reduces facial wrinkles, actively counteracting the aging of skin cells. Orotic acid, penetrating into the skin, stimulates the recovery and work of its own hyaluronic acid.

Natural active ingredients - olive and vegetable oils, beeswax and lanolin restore the lipid barrier layer of the skin, increase its elasticity and hydration.

Olive oil - moisturizes and softens the skin, prevents its aging, is an excellent antioxidant, provides protection from the negative effects of the environment. Olive oil prevents the appearance of wrinkles, promotes the regeneration of skin cells, retains moisture for a long time, removes irritation and peeling.

With regular use of the cream, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, fine facial wrinkles are smoothed, dryness is reduced and the moisture-holding capacity of the skin increases.

The main advantage of cream packaging in an aluminum tube is higher protective properties and the absence of reverse air intake during application, which ensures better preservation of the cosmetic product during storage and use.