MESOLITHIC PERIOD. Middle Stone Age. Large Flint scraper


18.3 grams

8x2.3 cm

Flint scrapers were used for cleaning animal skins in the process of making leather

In Britain, the Mesolithic period, or Middle Stone Age, occurs around 8,800 BC to c. 4,500 BC. Mesolithic inhabitants generally lived a nomadic lifestyle hunting and gathering their food

The people of the Mesolithic age mostly lived on hunting, fishing, and food gathering. Moreover, the Mesolithic people started some basic agricultural practices too. There was development of cave paintings and ceramics during this period. This age shows the blending of two societies, namely pastoral society and horticultural society.There was an establishment of farming communities during this period. Humans started learning to use domesticated animals and plants for the betterment of life. The domestication of dogs began in that era.The Mesolithic people didn’t live in caves. The people of Mesolithic also did not rely on a permanent settlement. They made a semi-permanent settlement in the form of huts and kept moving at short intervals for the search of food.


AGE: 6000-4000 B.C.

Found in Yorkshire