What are Nicorette Invisi 25mg Patches?

Nicorette Invisi patches are a form of treatment that helps people to quit smoking. They work by getting nicotine into the body and help to reduce cravings that are caused by smoking. This is known as Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). NRT is to be used when someone wants to quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes used in a day. These patches can also be used when smoking is difficult or not possible.


What causes addiction to nicotine?

An addiction to nicotine is caused by smoking cigarettes and the body becoming more dependent on nicotine. When a cigarette is used, the tobacco in it gets into the lungs. From there, the nicotine in the tobacco gets to the brain. When nicotine gets in the brain, it causes the release of a neurotransmitter. A neurotransmitter is what the brain sends to the body in order to regulate mood and behaviour. This improves the mood and gives off the feeling of pleasure. As the body becomes more reliant on this feeling due to the nicotine, the cravings begin to become more prominent. Cravings can be triggered by actions and routines, which is different from person-to-person. Knowing what these triggers can help when it comes to quitting smoking.