Original and useful… Brooks is a chatty, likeable guide ― The TLS

A hands-on guide to making meaningful human connections ― 
Kirkus Reviews

It really is 
a manual for our times - and everyone should read it -- Matthew D'Ancona

David Brooks's superb new book ― 
The New European

I raced through the book, which is well-structured and engagingly writtenand afterwards found myself making a greater effort in conversations. At the school gates, I swapped my formulaic how-are-yous for questions that invite a more genuine response, sometimes simply: “How’s your day been?” I became more alert to my bad habit of “topping” – when someone confides in you and you top it with a sob story of your own. I made tiny changes, things that friends would be unlikely to notice – and yet the difference was transformative -- Sophie McBain ― The New Statesman

How to Know A Person offers a series of well-wrought stories and punchy reflections on relationship-building ― Church Times