Large Alocasia Gageana Albo-Variegated - Very Nicely Variegated

1 Gallon Size Plant - Photos are of all my plants, not downloads from the internet!!

*  The variegated leaves of this elephant ear are its most striking feature. The white feathering on this elephant ear vary leaf to leaf, but are always beautiful. Normally, variegated plants will grow slower than their all green counter parts but, not this beauty!
*  She is fully hardy in zones 9, 10 & 11. In colder climates, just bring in and place in a warm basement or garage.
*  Water requirements are moderate, but she can live in a bog or waters edge setting. She is very happy in full sun to partial shade.
*  Currently, she is growing in a one gallon pot. Once she is settled in your landscape or container garden, she will quickly grow to 3 feet in height and each year the diameter of her clump will enlarge.
*  No shipments to ARIZONA or Hawaii