Want your ad on a hyper-local, super-targeted run of a single tiny billboard that's going to live on somebody's spice rack? It’s possible thanks to the Smallest Ad Ever.

That’s right, your ad will be featured on the bottom of a local production run of a single bottle of Dan-O's—that's right, a single bottle!!! 1 of 1!!! Exclamation! 

Commercials in the Big Game cost over $6 million and only reach about 110 million people. Heck, we're flavor rich, but we're not RICH rich. 

We don't even have a real creative team. Just some guy named Mark with a computer. He "borrowed” this idea from Liquid Death!!! More exclamations!!!! So if this all goes terribly wrong, we can blame him. In fact, he’s writing this right now. Actually, I just copied and pasted most of it.

Anyway, we’re just a small brand with big dreams. Probably just like some of y’all out there. That’s we’re selling an ad that’s small, just like us... for now.  So if you’re a likeminded brand without the big budget for the big game, this ad’s for you. 

The bottle with your ad will hit somebody's shelf in the next couple months. Once the winning bid is accepted, we will be in contact to provide a template and work out final details.

Questions? Email us at smallestadever at danosseasoning dot com.

**The winner and featured ad must meet eligibility requirements and applicable laws. Dan-O's Seasoning will have final approval rights.