Our exquisite Carpaccio is crafted with an impressive 46% of wild black truffle, sourced from the finest truffle regions to ensure a product of unparalleled quality and flavor. This luxurious ingredient is a culinary delight, offering a rich and earthy taste that elevates sauces for pasta, meat, or risotto to a level of gourmet excellence. Its versatility shines not only in enhancing warm dishes but also as a sublime garnish to your cheese plate, where its intense flavor pairs beautifully with a variety of cheeses, adding depth and sophistication. When accompanied by a glass of wine, our Carpaccio transforms the experience into a truly decadent affair, creating a harmonious balance that delights the palate. Perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life, our Carpaccio is a testament to the beauty of simplicity and the extraordinary taste of wild black truffle.