The Robinson 44 Helicopter Universal Extended Quick Reference Checklist (QRC) is fairly complete and accurate for student pilots (new beginners) with procedures that seem to match what you will find in the POH and what most flight instructors would tell you. there's a lot of information explained in detail. On one hand, it's nice that everything fits on a single two-sided card, but on the other hand, it is easy to read. (Some of my friend insisted on saying “enlarge the fonts one size”). One of reviews:” Lots of really significant information. It has everything you need to know for a quick reference. this laminate card is great compared to the index card size the flight schools use.” Pilots turn to checklists for two reasons. One, they are trained to do so instead of relying on memory, and two, checklists have proven time and time again that they work. Pilots have learnt to trust the checklist, even when faced with the catastrophe. Here are the contents for your safe flight. ➣Vital Checks explained in the same line. ➣Pax. Briefing (CRM for SAFETY) ➣Takeoff Briefing ➣Abnormal Procedures (15) ➣Maneuvers Checklist (7) ➣Forced Landing Procedures ➣V- Velocity Speeds ➣TAF/METAR Abbreviations ➣ATC Light Gun Signals Main purpose of this extended quick reference checklist is to improve flight safety by ensuring that no important tasks are forgotten. *** The Pilot In Command (PIC) Must Ensure The Aircraft Is Operated In Accordance With The Approved Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) At All Times.