SlimFast Advanced Creamy Chocolate High Protein Ready to Drink Meal Replacement Shakes are one of the quickest, healthiest ways to get the nutrients you need for a productive day. Our shake satisfies you in between meals by providing up to four hours of hunger control. Plus, you will love the delicious chocolate flavor!

Are They Good for Losing Weight?

SlimFast Advanced Creamy Chocolate High Protein Ready to Drink Meal Replacement Shakes are a great weight loss solution. SlimFast is American's #1 best-selling shake for weight loss. The reputation is well-earned.

What Makes Them So Healthy?

SlimFast Advanced Creamy Chocolate High Protein Ready to Drink Meal Replacement Shakes contain 20 grams of protein. This makes them an ideal protein supplement because they have what our bodies need to build and rebuild muscle.

A Genuine Meal Replacement

Instead of eating a regular meal, you can just grab one of these shakes. Because it's filled with so many nutrients, your body is not missing out on getting the essentials it needs. It's the best of both worlds.

Delicious Variety of Options

Enjoy all three of our delicious flavors including Creamy Chocolate, Vanilla Cream, and Strawberries and Cream. Visit us at for free recipes and smoothie ideas!