Berserker Wild | Skull Hunter | Papsikels | 32mm

Standing atop his own custom base, this guy is on a mission. Ready to run through anything in order to complete a hunt, theres no stopping this juggernaut.

If you haven’t heard of Papsikels before two things, 1. Where have you been for 4 years. And 2. Please go take a look at the range, he is the absolute master of re creating our dreams from the 90s and that era, and re imagining them into our favourite tabletop game systems. Whatever you play, its pretty much covered by the range on offer. Please do check out all the sections in the store as you never know what your going to miss, there is some amazing stuff in there. 

Everything is sculpted in that ‘just cartooney enough’ style that is signature to Papsikels. And the sculpts are second to none as you can see from the pics. 

Each models is supplied with an appropriate scenic base if pictured, or a blank base of the same size of there isn’t one pictured (rare). 

Tatstabletop is the original and best place to buy these Miniatures in the AU and NZ but if your anywhere else in the world, we can ship to you too!

Tatstabletop promises to deliver premium quality prints, at affordable prices, directly to your gaming table, nothing less than that is acceptable to us.
These models may sometimes require assembly in parts, and where this is required, any form of super glue works perfectly with this type of resin. They will also need to be glued down to their bases before painting/ priming.

These models are NOT primed or painted.

The resin has been cured to the point of it no longer being liquid and is safe to handle however as we do please understand that if liquid resin ever touches you, you must clean it immediately, and if in contact with eyes, you MUST visit a doctor. Resin that is not cured and in liquid form is considered a poison, hence we do that part safely, and once cured its safe to handle.

If any model, or they way you want to display them requires any form of filing or sanding, you must do so in an open space or well ventilated area, as the dust form of the resin is very porous and can be inhaled if not handled correctly.
Printed for you using the latest technology and achieving 12K resolution prints (it doesn’t get any better).

Washed and cured using a unique method to avoid all the usual headaches from resin models – Do you hate receiving glossy looking models? Models with clearly visible layer lines and swirl marks? Models with weird white marks on them that seemingly can’t be removed? Worry NOT! None of that here when you shop with Tatstabletop.

Unique support removal procedure, resulting in next to no aftercare required on your part, may be the odd one. And no visible support marks left on your models.

Please read our reviews as we pride ourselves on Quality and value offering to you, and they should back up the above statements. Only the best quality offered. Also, you can visit Tats Tabletop Facebook page where we post regular photos of our prints to show the quality we produce.

If you have any questions, please reach out either via the message system on Etsy or message me on the Facebook page. As I appreciate buying from an unknown on ebay or etsy can be more a feat of trust than transaction, I speak from experience. I want to build trust before a purchase is made, or if you’re a return buyer, you already know the service we offer.

Thankyou, genuinely thank you for looking and possibly purchasing, it means the world to me and I hope you enjoy.