Vitacost-Synergy Benfotiamine
Promotes healthy digestion, cellular energy and healthy nerve and muscle function.*

What is Benfotiamine?

Benfotiamine is derived from thiamine (vitamin B1), part of the family commonly known as B-vitamins. It is well understood that thiamine plays a vital role in nerve function, energy dynamics and the digestive process.* Thiamine is well researched for its important role in the metabolism of sugars.* 

As people age, the conversion of sugars in the body can lead to age-associated glycation end products (AGEs), which are created inside the body through normal metabolism and aging. This process involves the adherence of sugars to proteins reducing the proper function of those proteins and the accumulation of these undesireable AGEs. Benfotiamine plays a role in blocking the age-associated glycation end products (AGEs).*

Benfotiamine is an amphiphilic S-acyl thiamine derivative that is virtually fat soluble. It is very well absorbed in the body, but does not appear to cross the blood-brain barrier.*

What are the key benefits of Synergy Benfotiamine?

Supports the digestion of food and carbohydrates.*
Supports desirable by-products related to sugar metabolism.*
Slows the formation of age-associated glycation end products, which can be caused by aging.*
Helps to maintain healthy endothelial function.*
Necessary for healthy heart function.*