What is EMS Technology?

Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS), also known as neuromuscular electric stimulation (NMES) is the elicitation of muscle contraction using electric impulses. The impulses mimic the action potential coming from the central nervous system, causing the muscles to contract. MS is proven to be quite effective as a proactive tool for muscle strengthening /relaxing.

Classification of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia (sometimes referred to as "man boobs") is a common condition that causes boys' and men's breasts to swell and become larger than normal. It is most common in teenage boys and older men.

Being overweight (obesity) is a common cause of gynecomastia – this is because being overweight can increase levels of estrogen, which can cause breast tissue to grow. If you're overweight you're also more likely to have excess fat that can enlarge the breast tissue. For some people losing weight or doing more exercise can help but this may not always improve the condition.

How Does The EMS ChestDefy Reduction Microcurrent Massager Works?

Using EMS ChestDefy Reduction Microcurrent Massager replicates natural muscle contraction by sending impulses from the pads to the targeted muscle group causing then to improve in just weeks of using.

This EMS ChestDefy Reduction Microcurrent Massager will stimulate your body skin by low frequency to tighten and strengthen your muscles, giving you a satisfactory body figure. EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) through current stimulation, directly send signal to muscles, and promote muscle movement. All you have to do is to fit the abdominal toner to your body and let it exercise your muscles.

Accelerates Fat Burn

Your muscle first burn through stored glycogen for energy. EMS ChestDefy Reduction Microcurrent Massager uses a pulse technology that is scientifically proven to tighten & restore muscle tone that greatly helps to achieve a slimmer figure.

Multiple Frequency Levels

What Makes The EMS ChestDefy Reduction Microcurrent Massager Be The GREAT CHOICE?

 Supports & Promotes Motivation & Sweat

 Firm, Tone & Strengthen All Major Muscle Groups

️ Burn Up to 500 Calories In Just 20 Minutes

️ Clinically Proven EMS Technology

️ Adjustable Electrical Pulse Frequency

 Stimulates Blood Circulation & Lymphatic Drainage

 Increasing Sweat, Boosting Calorie Burn & Firming Your Body

 Improved Blood Flow To Muscles 

 Eliminates Persistent Cellulite & Burn Away Unwanted Fat Cells

 Prevent Future Fat Accumulation

 Accelerates The Metabolism & Slimming Process


1 set x EMS Cheftdefy of your choice