The story: After the roaring success of the Force Awakens private showing, another private showing was arranged for the magnificent Rogue One. This t-shirt was designed and printed for that very event in December 2016 at Bexleyheath Cinema. Although most of the t-shirts got sold this is part of the small surplus. So up for grabs....

One unique designed black cotton T-shirt with white neck and sleeves

On the front: Sports shirt style layout with logo and event info as drawn by The Black Cat
On the back: Sports shirt style layout with number and lettering

Obviously being such a niche design due to the date it makes sense for those that attended to have one but there is no reason for others not to have one of these if you you have a link to the area or just like the design. A good few of these have been sent out to various friends around the world and many of the guests at the screening came from all over the UK.

The shirts are 100% heavy cotton and are available in several sizes. This is for an Extra Large. Please email for other size availability and please check out the other t-shirts. Will happily combine shipping.