Blue Lotus Flower 100% Sun Dried Natural Pure Organic Hand Picked Herbal


Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is a water lily that has cultural and historical significance in various parts of the world, particularly in ancient Egypt where it was used ceremonially and medicinally. The dried blue lotus flowers, petals, and extracts have been traditionally used for their psychoactive properties and relaxation effects.

The dried blue lotus flowers are often used to make teas, extracts, or to be smoked. It's believed to induce a sense of tranquility, euphoria, and mild psychoactive effects. However, the potency and effects can vary depending on the quality of the product and individual body chemistry.

** Health Benifits **

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** How To Use **
  • The dried blue lotus petals or extracts are commonly used for their relaxing and calming effects
  • Blue lotus is sometimes regarded as an aphrodisiac, believed to enhance libido and sexual experiences.
  • Some individuals use dried blue lotus as an aid during meditation or yoga practices.
  • Blue lotus is also believed by some to stimulate creativity and inspiration
  • In some traditional practices, blue lotus has been used as a natural remedy for insomnia and sleep disorders
  • Dried blue lotus flowers can be brewed into a herbal tea, which is enjoyed for its soothing aroma and mild, relaxing effects. Blue lotus tea is often consumed for its pleasant flavor and therapeutic benefits.
  • Some people use blue lotus as a natural remedy for pain relief, particularly for mild to moderate discomfort

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